The Corporate Council is our new membership program for businesses and corporations interested in preserving and sharing the heritage of aviation innovation and aerospace ascendancy that built the South Bay.

Corporate Council membership supports our Kids Love Aviation Science (KLAS) programs, which the museum offers free of charge to public schools throughout the South Bay, including our field trips for 3rd grade classrooms, our internship programs for middle and high school students, and our Eagle Scout collaborations with the Boy Scouts.

Corporate Council Levels and Benefits

• One Corporate Membership with unlimited free admission for one year

• Complimentary one-time guest passes for up to 4 employees or business guests (each pass valued at $10)

• Complimentary one-time Private Museum tour for 2 guest with docent (by request)

• One-time 25% Discounted use of Museum venue for group event (rental fee only,  catering and security costs apply when applicable)

• Recognition on the Western Museum of Flight website  Join today

• On-site employee volunteer opportunities

All of the above benefits plus:

• An additional Corporate Membership (total of 2) for one year

• Complimentary one-time guest passes for up to 8 employees or business guests (each pass valued at $10)

• Complimentary one-time Private Museum tour for 4 guest with docent (by request)

• One-time 50% Discounted use of Museum venue for group event (rental fee only,  catering and security costs apply when applicable) Join today

All of the above benefits plus:

• An additional Corporate Membership (total of 4) for one year

• Complimentary one-time guest passes for up to 12 employees or business guests (each pass valued at $10)

• Complimentary one-time Private Museum tour for 8 guest with docent (by request)

• One-time 75% Discounted use of Museum venue for group event (rental fee only,  catering and security costs apply when applicable)

• Recognition on the Western Museum of Flight website and hyberlink

•  Corporate Member Profile in Supercruiser newsletter Join today

All of the above benefits plus:

• An additional Corporate Membership (total of 10) for one year

• Complimentary one-time guest passes for up to 20 employees or business guests (each pass valued at $10)

• Complimentary one-time Private Museum tour for 12 guest with docent (by request)

• One-time 100% Discounted use of Museum venue for group event (rental fee only,  catering and security costs apply when applicable)

• Invitation to attend annual Patron celebration event for 2 guest

• Recognition on the Western Museum of Flight website and hyberlink

•  Corporate Member Profile in Supercruiser newsletter Join today

• To discuss higher member levels and customized benefits, please contact Executive Director Cindy Macha: [email protected]

We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the following companies: